
Harry Styles Cut His Signature Locks for The #LittlePrincessTrust and We Are Endeared

In addition to his incredible voice, charitable heart, indescribable talent, and amazing stage presence – Harry Styles is known for his long and beautiful brown curls.

As of May 6th, those long curls are no longer a Harry trademark, at least not for right now, as he took to Instagram with a photo of his hand, thumbs up included, holding his gorgeous braided hair with the caption “Whoops #Littleprincesstrust”

Some fans immediately took to social media to show their confusion and heartache at the loss of his long locks while other fans posted their excitement and anticipation for what Harry would look like with a shorter style. Harry’s hair was definitely a topic of conversation as it got longer with time; and many fans (as well as Harry himself) loved watching him dance around on stage and embrace his long hair so freely!  Just because his hair is shorter doesn’t mean his confidence shrunk with it – he’s absolutely come into his own during his time with One Direction!

Regardless of what fans thought of the abrupt change, they were all so proud of Harry for the reason behind the cut – a donation to the Little Princess Trust.

Little Princess Trust is a children’s cancer charity that supplies wigs made of real hair to children suffering from cancer while they’re undergoing treatment. One of the most unexpected changes for a child as they undergo life-saving cancer treatment is the loss of their hair – for some kids, this is a non-issue – for others, they are deeply affected by the loss and the little princess trust understands that and aims to help make a difference.

Feeling comfortable is an important part of the mental wellbeing of a child fighting for their life during their cancer journey and these wigs let the children keep a part of themselves that they otherwise would have lost.

Harry mentioned, in an interview with James Corden, that he’d be cutting his hair for charity and we don’t think he could have picked a better one! Not only will a child have a wig made from his hair to help them through their journey, the charity has received a jump in support because of Harry’s donation! He not only changed the life of one little kid, he brought awareness to the charity which will certainly benefit the lives of so many children across the UK. Harry is always thinking of others, trying to make everyone’s life a little brighter, and we are so humbled to live in a world where Harry exists.

If you want to find out more about the charity, or how you can help if you’re not quite ready to make the cut/you’re not close enough to do so, please check out their Webpage and Twitter and spread the word on your own social media.

There have been posts spread around Twitter of fans of Harry cutting their hair and donating it to the Little Princess Trust already, not even a week after Harry made his post on Instagram – the fans of One Direction are truly selfless.

Harry, as usual, your spirit is truly admirable and the value and worth of who you are goes far beyond the length of your hair! We can’t wait to see the new look make its debut, but until then, we are beaming with pride and admiration for your constant drive to make a difference – be it with big or small steps.


Mittie Cheatwood

Update: 2024-06-04